Riaan's SysAdmin Blog

My tips, howtos, gotchas, snippets and stuff. Use at your own risk!


Restic json output and jq

Restic has the ability to show output in json. Here is how I used it for some CSV type reporting I needed on backup jobs.

Example json output.

# restic -r rclone:s3_phx:/restic-backup backup /root --json | jq -r 'select(.message_type=="summary")'
  "message_type": "summary",
  "files_new": 0,
  "files_changed": 0,
  "files_unmodified": 761,
  "dirs_new": 0,
  "dirs_changed": 0,
  "dirs_unmodified": 0,
  "data_blobs": 0,
  "tree_blobs": 0,
  "data_added": 0,
  "total_files_processed": 761,
  "total_bytes_processed": 251861194,
  "total_duration": 1.118076434,
  "snapshot_id": "09d1a6b9"

With @csv filter.

# restic -r rclone:s3_phx:/restic-backup backup /root --json | jq -r 'select(.message_type=="summary") | [.files_new,.files_changed,.files_unmodified,.dirs_new,.dirs_changed,.dirs_unmodified,.data_blobs,.tree_blobs,.data_added,.total_files_processed,.total_bytes_processed,.total_duration,.snapshot_id] | @csv'

I needed double quotes and could not figure out how to tell @csv filter to quote so below workaround for now. This was then usable in my bash script.

# restic -r rclone:s3_phx:/restic-backup backup /root --json | jq -r 'select(.message_type=="summary") | "\"\(.files_new)\",\"\(.files_changed)\",\"\(.files_unmodified)\",\"\(.dirs_new)\",\"\(.dirs_changed)\",\"\(.dirs_unmodified)\",\"\(.data_blobs)\",\"\(.tree_blobs)\",\"\(.data_added)\",\"\(.total_files_processed)\",\"\(.total_bytes_processed)\",\"\(.total_duration)\",\"\(.snapshot_id)\""'


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