Riaan's SysAdmin Blog

My tips, howtos, gotchas, snippets and stuff. Use at your own risk!


Restic find and list one file

Sometimes I just want to quickly look if one file exist in the latest snapshot and also see the size. Here is how.

Determine latest snapshot

# restic snapshots | tail -10

09fdf7e5  2021-01-16 23:30:02  usph-vmli-do01  daily         


# restic find -s 09fdf7e5 wpsites_dump.sql
repository 1144d629 opened successfully, password is correct
Found matching entries in snapshot 09fdf7e5 from 2021-01-16 23:30:02


# restic ls -l 09fdf7e5 /tank01/backups/sites3/databases/wpsites_dump.sql
repository 1144d629 opened successfully, password is correct
snapshot 09fdf7e5 of [/tank01/src /tank01/stack /tank01/backups/sites3] filtered by [/tank01/backups/sites3/databases/wpsites_dump.sql] at 2021-01-16 23:30:02.785360824 -0600 CST):
-rw-r--r--     0     0 1326541 2021-01-16 20:00:13 /tank01/backups/sites3/databases/wpsites_dump.sql

List Directory

root@desktop01:~# restic ls -l 09fdf7e5 /tank01/backups/sites3/databases
repository 1144d629 opened successfully, password is correct
snapshot 09fdf7e5 of [tank01/stack /tank01/backups/sites3] filtered by [/tank01/backups/sites3/databases] at 2021-01-16 23:30:02.785360824 -0600 CST):
drwxr-xr-x     0     0      0 2020-05-25 09:02:19 /tank01/backups/sites3/databases
-rw-r--r--     0     0 1326541 2021-01-16 20:00:13 /tank01/backups/sites3/databases/wpsites_dump.sql


Bio Info for Riaan