Riaan's SysAdmin Blog

My tips, howtos, gotchas, snippets and stuff. Use at your own risk!


Live Migrate Oracle VM for SPARC Logical Domains

Short version of live migration between two T5-2's.  Using shared fiber LUN's.

Source Host:

Check running status:

# ldm ls | grep test10
test10           active     -n----  5002    8     8G       0.0%  0.0%  1m

Dry run first:

# ldm migrate-domain -n test10
Target Password:
Invalid shutdown-group: 0
Failed to recreate domain on target machine
Domain Migration of LDom test10 would fail if attempted

We have a couple issues.

# ldm set-domain shutdown-group=15 test10

# ldm migrate-domain -n test10
Target Password:
Failed to find required volume test10-disk0@primary-vds0 on target machine
Domain Migration of LDom test10 would fail if attempted

# ldm ls-bindings primary | grep test10
test10@primary-vcc          5002   on
vnet1@test10                00:14:4f:fa:17:4f 1913                      1500
test10-disk0                                   /dev/dsk/c0t600144F09D7311B5000054789ED30002d0s2
disk0@test10                test10-disk0

Target Host:
Fix the virtual device reference.

# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c0t600144F09D7311B5000054789ED30002d0s2 test10-disk0@primary-vds0

# ldm migrate-domain -n test10

Check status on target.  I suggest also running a ping during the whole process.

# ldm ls | grep test10 test10           bound      -----t  5018    8     8G
# ldm ls | grep test10 test10           active     -n----  5018    8     8G       0.1%  0.1%  7m


Bio Info for Riaan