Bash variable in an awk search pattern
I spent some time getting this working so documenting for reference.
Trying to grab an IP address from a ssh config file works fine using a static string.
$ awk '/^Host rdpclient1$/{x=1}x&&/HostName/{print $2;exit}' ~/.ssh/Prod-config
Using double quotes and a static variable or double quotes and a bash variable does not work.
$ awk "/^Host rdpclient1$/{x=1}x&&/HostName/{print $2;exit}" ~/.ssh/Prod-config HostName $ awk "/^Host $host$/{x=1}x&&/HostName/{print $2;exit}" ~/.ssh/Prod-config HostName
Using double quotes plus a bash variable and escaping the print variable $2 works.
$ awk "/^Host ${host}$/{x=1}x&&/HostName/{print \$2;exit}" ~/.ssh/Prod-config
And an in a little script that use ssh config settings for my RDP through a jumphost or bastion Linux server.
Host gw01 HostName <public IP> User opc IdentityFile mysshkey Host rdpclient1 HostName ProxyJump gw01 $ cat #!/bin/bash host=$1 privateIP=$(awk "/^Host ${host}$/{x=1}x&&/HostName/{print \$2;exit}" ~/.ssh/Prod-config) jumphost=$(awk "/^Host ${host}$/{x=1}x&&/ProxyJump/{print \$2;exit}" ~/.ssh/Prod-config) jumphostIP=$(awk "/^Host ${jumphost}$/{x=1}x&&/HostName/{print \$2;exit}" ~/.ssh/Prod-config) jumpuser=$(awk "/^Host ${host}$/{x=1}x&&/User/{print \$2;exit}" ~/.ssh/Prod-config) localRdpPort=33389 ssh -f -N -p 22 -L $localRdpPort:$privateIP:3389 -i mysshkey $jumpuser@$jumphostIP tunnelpid=$(ps -ef | grep $localRdpPort | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}') rdesktop localhost:$localRdpPort kill $tunnelpid