VNC Server on a minimal Solaris 10 Server
I generally prefer installing server with a very minimal footprint and just add what is necessary. Think small templates etc..
Solaris 10 can be a bit difficult to add software. More modern package management systems like IPS or APT / YUM in the Linux world makes this much easier.
Here is what I had to do to get vncserver running after a very minimal Solaris 10 install. Out of scope is getting a CD with software mounted. MY CD was mounted under /mnt so the packages were located in /mnt/Solaris_10/Product.
VNC Server and dependencies
# pkgadd -d . SUNWxvnc SUNWxwfnt SUNWxorg-xkb SUNWxwplt SUNWxorg-clientlibs SUNWxorg-server
xauth required for vncserver binary
# pkgadd -d . SUNWxwplt SUNWxwice SUNWxwrtl SUNWxwplr
Will need twm for at least a minimal window manager for a xterm. Gives twm in /usr/openwin/bin
# pkgadd -d . SUNWxwopt
Will need the path for xauth and twm to fire.
# grep PATH .profile export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin PATH=$PATH:/usr/X11/bin:/usr/openwin/bin export PATH
For reference here is where vnc pulls xterm.
# cat .vnc/xstartup #!/bin/sh [ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources xsetroot -solid grey vncconfig -iconic & #xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" & xterm -geometry 120x34+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" & twm &