# yum install borgbackup\r\n# useradd borg\r\n# passwd borg\r\n#\u00a0sudo\u00a0su\u00a0-\u00a0borg\u00a0\r\n$\u00a0mkdir\u00a0\/mnt\/backups\r\n$\u00a0cat\u00a0\/home\/borg\/.ssh\/authorized_keys\r\nssh-rsa\u00a0AAAAB3N[..]6N\/Yw==\u00a0root@server01\r\n$\u00a0borg\u00a0init\u00a0\/mnt\/backups\/repo1\u00a0-e\u00a0none<\/pre>\n\u00a0**** CLIENT server01 with single binary(no repo for borgbackup on this server)<\/p>\n
$ sudo su - root\r\n# ssh-keygen \r\nGenerating public\/private rsa key pair.\r\nEnter file in which to save the key (\/root\/.ssh\/id_rsa): \/root\/.ssh\/borg_key\r\nCreated directory '\/root\/.ssh'.\r\nEnter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): \r\nEnter same passphrase again: \r\nYour identification has been saved in \/root\/.ssh\/borg_key.\r\nYour public key has been saved in \/root\/.ssh\/borg_key.pub.\r\n\r\n# .\/backup.sh \r\nWarning: Attempting to access a previously unknown unencrypted repository!\r\nDo you want to continue? [yN] y\r\nSynchronizing chunks cache...\r\nArchives: 0, w\/ cached Idx: 0, w\/ outdated Idx: 0, w\/o cached Idx: 0.\r\nDone.\r\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nArchive name: server01-2018-03-29\r\nArchive fingerprint: 79f91d82291db36be7de90c421c082d7ee4333d11ac77cd5d543a4fe568431e3\r\nTime (start): Thu, 2018-03-29 19:32:45\r\nTime (end): Thu, 2018-03-29 19:32:47\r\nDuration: 1.36 seconds\r\nNumber of files: 1069\r\nUtilization of max. archive size: 0%\r\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n Original size Compressed size Deduplicated size\r\nThis archive: 42.29 MB 15.41 MB 11.84 MB\r\nAll archives: 42.29 MB 15.41 MB 11.84 MB\r\n\r\n Unique chunks Total chunks\r\nChunk index: 1023 1059\r\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nKeeping archive: server01-2018-03-29 Thu, 2018-03-29 19:32:45 [79f91d82291db36be7de90c421c082d7ee4333d11ac77cd5d543a4fe568431e3]\r\n<\/pre>\n*** RECOVER test. Done on BORG server directly but will test from client directly also. May need BORG_RSH variable.<\/p>\n
$ borg list repo1\r\nserver01-2018-03-29 Thu, 2018-03-29 19:32:45 [79f91d82291db36be7de90c421c082d7ee4333d11ac77cd5d543a4fe568431e3]\r\n\r\n$ borg list repo1::server01-2018-03-29 | less\r\n\r\n$ cd \/tmp\r\n$ borg extract \/mnt\/backups\/repo1::server01-2018-03-29 etc\/hosts\r\n\r\n$ ls -l etc\/hosts \r\n-rw-r--r--. 1 borg borg 389 Mar 26 15:50 etc\/hosts\r\n<\/pre>\nAPPENDIX: client backup.sh cron and source<\/p>\n
# crontab -l\r\n0 0 * * * \/root\/scripts\/backup.sh &gt; \/dev\/null 2&gt;&amp;1\r\n\r\n# sudo su - root\r\n# cd scripts\/\r\n# cat backup.sh \r\n#!\/usr\/bin\/env bash\r\n\r\n##\r\n## Set environment variables\r\n##\r\n\r\n## if you don't use the standard SSH key,\r\n## you have to specify the path to the key like this\r\nexport BORG_RSH='ssh -i \/root\/.ssh\/borg_key'\r\n\r\n## You can save your borg passphrase in an environment\r\n## variable, so you don't need to type it in when using borg\r\n# export BORG_PASSPHRASE=\"top_secret_passphrase\"\r\n\r\n##\r\n## Set some variables\r\n##\r\n\r\nLOG=\"\/var\/log\/borg\/backup.log\"\r\nBACKUP_USER=\"borg\"\r\nREPOSITORY=\"ssh:\/\/${BACKUP_USER}@\/mnt\/backups\/repo1\"\r\n\r\n#export BORG_PASSCOMMAND=''\r\n\r\n#Bail if borg is already running, maybe previous run didn't finish\r\nif pidof -x borg &gt;\/dev\/null; then\r\n echo \"Backup already running\"\r\n exit\r\nfi\r\n\r\n##\r\n## Output to a logfile\r\n##\r\n\r\nexec &gt; &gt;(tee -i ${LOG})\r\nexec 2&gt;&amp;1\r\n\r\necho \"###### Backup started: $(date) ######\"\r\n\r\n##\r\n## At this place you could perform different tasks\r\n## that will take place before the backup, e.g.\r\n##\r\n## - Create a list of installed software\r\n## - Create a database dump\r\n##\r\n\r\n##\r\n## Transfer the files into the repository.\r\n## In this example the folders root, etc,\r\n## var\/www and home will be saved.\r\n## In addition you find a list of excludes that should not\r\n## be in a backup and are excluded by default.\r\n##\r\n\r\necho \"Transfer files ...\"\r\n\/usr\/local\/bin\/borg create -v --stats \\\r\n $REPOSITORY::'{hostname}-{now:%Y-%m-%d}' \\\r\n \/root \\\r\n \/etc \\\r\n \/u01 \\\r\n \/home \\\r\n --exclude \/dev \\\r\n --exclude \/proc \\\r\n --exclude \/sys \\\r\n --exclude \/var\/run \\\r\n --exclude \/run \\\r\n --exclude \/lost+found \\\r\n --exclude \/mnt \\\r\n --exclude \/var\/lib\/lxcfs\r\n\r\n\r\n# Use the `prune` subcommand to maintain 7 daily, 4 weekly and 6 monthly\r\n# archives of THIS machine. The '{hostname}-' prefix is very important to\r\n# limit prune's operation to this machine's archives and not apply to\r\n# other machine's archives also.\r\n\/usr\/local\/bin\/borg prune -v --list $REPOSITORY --prefix '{hostname}-' \\\r\n --keep-daily=7 --keep-weekly=4 --keep-monthly=6\r\n\r\necho \"###### Backup ended: $(date) ######\"\r\n<\/pre>\nIn addition to using Borg this test was also about pushing backups to Oracle OCI object storage so below is some steps I followed. I had to use the newest rclone because v1.36 had weird issues with the Oracle OCI S3 interface.<\/p>\n
# curl https:\/\/rclone.org\/install.sh | sudo bash\r\n\r\n# df -h | grep borg\r\n\/dev\/mapper\/vg01-vg01--lv01 980G 7.3G 973G 1% \/mnt\/backups\r\n\r\n# sudo su - borg\r\n\r\n[$ cat ~\/.config\/rclone\/rclone.conf \r\n[s3_backups]\r\ntype = s3\r\nenv_auth = false\r\naccess_key_id = ocid1.credential.oc1..aaaa[snipped]\r\nsecret_access_key = KJFevw6s=\r\nregion = us-ashburn-1\r\nendpoint = [snipped].compat.objectstorage.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com\r\nlocation_constraint = \r\nacl = private\r\nserver_side_encryption = \r\nstorage_class = \r\n\r\n$ rclone lsd s3_backups: \r\n -1 2018-03-27 21:07:11 -1 backups\r\n -1 2018-03-29 13:39:42 -1 repo1\r\n -1 2018-03-26 22:23:35 -1 terraform\r\n -1 2018-03-27 14:34:55 -1 terraform-src<\/pre>\nInitial sync. Note I am using sync but be warned you need to figure out if you want to use copy or sync. As far as I know sync may delete not only on target but also on source when syncing.<\/p>\n
$ \/usr\/bin\/rclone -v sync \/mnt\/borg\/repo1 s3_backups:repo1\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:37:00 INFO : S3 bucket repo1: Modify window is 1ns\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:37:00 INFO : README: Copied (replaced existing)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:37:00 INFO : hints.38: Copied (new)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:37:00 INFO : integrity.38: Copied (new)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:37:00 INFO : data\/0\/17: Copied (new)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:37:00 INFO : config: Copied (replaced existing)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:37:00 INFO : data\/0\/18: Copied (new)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:37:00 INFO : index.38: Copied (new)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:37:59 INFO : data\/0\/24: Copied (new)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:38:00 INFO : \r\nTransferred: 1.955 GBytes (33.361 MBytes\/s)\r\nErrors: 0\r\nChecks: 2\r\nTransferred: 8\r\nElapsed time: 1m0s\r\nTransferring:\r\n * data\/0\/21: 100% \/501.284M, 16.383M\/s, 0s\r\n * data\/0\/22: 98% \/500.855M, 18.072M\/s, 0s\r\n * data\/0\/23: 100% \/500.951M, 14.231M\/s, 0s\r\n * data\/0\/25: 0% \/501.379M, 0\/s, -\r\n\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:38:00 INFO : data\/0\/22: Copied (new)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:38:00 INFO : data\/0\/23: Copied (new)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:38:01 INFO : data\/0\/21: Copied (new)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:38:57 INFO : data\/0\/25: Copied (new)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:38:58 INFO : data\/0\/27: Copied (new)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:38:59 INFO : data\/0\/26: Copied (new)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:38:59 INFO : data\/0\/28: Copied (new)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:39:00 INFO : \r\nTransferred: 3.919 GBytes (33.438 MBytes\/s)\r\nErrors: 0\r\nChecks: 2\r\nTransferred: 15\r\nElapsed time: 2m0s\r\nTransferring:\r\n * data\/0\/29: 0% \/500.335M, 0\/s, -\r\n * data\/0\/30: 0% \/500.294M, 0\/s, -\r\n * data\/0\/31: 0% \/500.393M, 0\/s, -\r\n * data\/0\/32: 0% \/500.264M, 0\/s, -\r\n\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:39:45 INFO : data\/0\/29: Copied (new)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:39:52 INFO : data\/0\/30: Copied (new)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:39:52 INFO : S3 bucket repo1: Waiting for checks to finish\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:39:55 INFO : data\/0\/32: Copied (new)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:39:55 INFO : S3 bucket repo1: Waiting for transfers to finish\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:39:56 INFO : data\/0\/31: Copied (new)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:39:57 INFO : data\/0\/36: Copied (new)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:39:57 INFO : data\/0\/37: Copied (new)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:39:57 INFO : data\/0\/38: Copied (new)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:39:58 INFO : data\/0\/1: Copied (replaced existing)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:40:00 INFO : \r\nTransferred: 5.874 GBytes (33.413 MBytes\/s)\r\nErrors: 0\r\nChecks: 3\r\nTransferred: 23\r\nElapsed time: 3m0s\r\nTransferring:\r\n * data\/0\/33: 0% \/500.895M, 0\/s, -\r\n * data\/0\/34: 0% \/501.276M, 0\/s, -\r\n * data\/0\/35: 0% \/346.645M, 0\/s, -\r\n\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:40:25 INFO : data\/0\/35: Copied (new)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:40:28 INFO : data\/0\/33: Copied (new)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:40:30 INFO : data\/0\/34: Copied (new)\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:40:30 INFO : Waiting for deletions to finish\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:40:30 INFO : data\/0\/3: Deleted\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:40:30 INFO : index.3: Deleted\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:40:30 INFO : hints.3: Deleted\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:40:30 INFO : \r\nTransferred: 7.191 GBytes (34.943 MBytes\/s)\r\nErrors: 0\r\nChecks: 6\r\nTransferred: 26\r\nElapsed time: 3m30.7s<\/pre>\nRun another sync showing nothing to do.<\/p>\n
$ \/usr\/bin\/rclone -v sync \/mnt\/borg\/repo1 s3_backups:repo1\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:43:13 INFO : S3 bucket repo1: Modify window is 1ns\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:43:13 INFO : S3 bucket repo1: Waiting for checks to finish\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:43:13 INFO : S3 bucket repo1: Waiting for transfers to finish\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:43:13 INFO : Waiting for deletions to finish\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:43:13 INFO : \r\nTransferred: 0 Bytes (0 Bytes\/s)\r\nErrors: 0\r\nChecks: 26\r\nTransferred: 0\r\nElapsed time: 100ms<\/pre>\nTest script and check log<\/p>\n
$ cd scripts\/\r\n$ .\/s3_backup.sh \r\n$ more ..\/s3_backups.log \r\n2018\/03\/29 22:43:56 INFO : S3 bucket repo1: Modify window is 1ns\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:43:56 INFO : S3 bucket repo1: Waiting for checks to finish\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:43:56 INFO : S3 bucket repo1: Waiting for transfers to finish\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:43:56 INFO : Waiting for deletions to finish\r\n2018\/03\/29 22:43:56 INFO : \r\nTransferred: 0 Bytes (0 Bytes\/s)\r\nErrors: 0\r\nChecks: 26\r\nTransferred: 0\r\nElapsed time: 100ms<\/pre>\nCheck size used on object storage.<\/p>\n
$ rclone size s3_backups:repo1\r\nTotal objects: 26\r\nTotal size: 7.191 GBytes (7721115523 Bytes)<\/pre>\nAPPENDIX: s3_backup.sh crontab and source<\/p>\n
$ crontab -l\r\n50 23 * * * \/home\/borg\/scripts\/s3_backup.sh\r\n\r\n$ cat s3_backup.sh \r\n#!\/bin\/bash\r\nset -e\r\n\r\n#repos=( repo1 repo2 repo3 )\r\nrepos=( repo1 )\r\n\r\n#Bail if rclone is already running, maybe previous run didn't finish\r\nif pidof -x rclone &gt;\/dev\/null; then\r\n echo \"Process already running\"\r\n exit\r\nfi\r\n\r\nfor i in \"${repos[@]}\"\r\ndo\r\n #Lets see how much space is used by directory to back up\r\n #if directory is gone, or has gotten small, we will exit\r\n space=`du -s \/mnt\/backups\/$i|awk '{print $1}'`\r\n\r\n if (( $space &lt; 3450000 )); then echo \"EXITING - not enough space used in $i\" exit fi \/usr\/bin\/rclone -v sync \/mnt\/backups\/$i s3_backups:$i &gt;&gt; \/home\/borg\/s3_backups.log 2&gt;&amp;1\r\ndone<\/pre>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"I recently used Borg for protecting some critical files and jotting down some notes here. Borg exist in many distribution<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":0,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"categories":[3,96],"tags":[],"class_list":["post-1194","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","hentry","category-backups","category-rclone"],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/blog.ls-al.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/1194","targetHints":{"allow":["GET"]}}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/blog.ls-al.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/blog.ls-al.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/blog.ls-al.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/1"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/blog.ls-al.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=1194"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/blog.ls-al.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/1194\/revisions"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/blog.ls-al.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=1194"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/blog.ls-al.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=1194"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/blog.ls-al.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=1194"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}